Monday, November 28, 2011

I think about him so very often

I LOVE listening to the rain in my van. Jewls is all snuggled up under the covers with me and its all warm & cozy. He didnt stay the night with me tonight but I just stayed the night with him last night. He'll come stay with me tomorrow. I love being with him. I love how almost every day sense we have met we have been together. I'm wildly krazy about this man. He amazes me CONSTENTLY!!! Never in my life have I know a man like this....and I have known meny men. He is all of the best all rolled up into one. He says he will stay and he has stayed. Never has a man stayed through what this man has stayed through. I will never betray him again for as long as I live. Until my last breath I will love this man and be greatful for all of the wonderful memories he has given me so far. The time I have spent with him is burned in my memory. I love him so much I feel like I could blow up sometimes. I believe I have found my one great love.....